Listening Builds Loyalty

The key to creating loyal customers is simply listening.  If you listen long enough and hard enough, the customer will tell you exactly what it’s going to take to maintain his or her loyalty.  All you need to do then is act on this information and you are home free.  As simple as this sounds,…

Winning Over A New Person

  In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Example of the Week-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder The quickest way of winning over a new person is to send them a clear message that you are for real.  One way of doing this is to promise to do something for them and then…

Dishonesty Will Always Cost You

Several years ago on Memorial Day weekend, my family and I went to a local dealership to look at new cars.  This started out as one of the most pleasant buying experiences that has ever happened to us.  Instead of trying to sell us a car, the sales person actually let us buy one!  He…

Sincere Appreciation Gets Results

  In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Example of the Week-Pass it on-Travels My Reminder of the Week One of the deepest needs of our human existence is the need to be appreciated.  Each and everyone of us absolutely loves to be appreciated for who we are and what we do.  If you  satisfy this need…

Capitalize On Your Moments Of Truth

  In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Example of the Week-I Want Your Success Stories-Travels My Reminder of the Week A moment of truth is an opportunity to come through when the people around you don’t expect you to.  I was on a Hertz Rental Car bus in Chicago one time when a pregnant woman traveling…

Don’t Be Boring

  In This Issue -My Reminder of the Week-Example of the Week-Pass it on-Travels My Reminder of the Week Most of us will agree that one of the most boring things in the world is to have to listen to someone talk about themself while you want to talk about yourself.  The thing we often…

Win-Lose Doesn’t Work

In This Issue – My Reminder of the Week– Example of the Week– Pass it on– Travels My Reminder of the Week Negotiation is all about people who are sensitive, have delicate egos and are concerned about feeling good about themselves.  That’s why Win-Lose doesn’t work–it makes people feel bad.  When you make people bad,…