Good Relationships Keep Us Happier and Healthier

An article written by Melanie Curtin which appeared in, reported on a 75-year-long study conducted by Harvard University that tracked the physical and emotional well-being of 724 men. According to Robert Waldinger, the current director of the study, “The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us…

A Wonderful Example of How Things Should Be

My friend Cheryl posted a wonderful anecdote on Facebook and I’d like to share it with you. “I attended the first Michigan State University (MSU) home hockey game last night and the arena was full of MSU students. I had so much fun with the two male students seated next to me. One was from…

Four Ways to Reduce the Intensity of Worrying

To worry is human. Even though we know it does no good, most of us are still prone to worrying. While worrying is next to impossible to avoid, there are some things we can do to reduce its intensity.  First, don’t worry alone–you’re far more likely to come up with a solution to your concern…

How to Visit with a Sick Friend

Visiting with a sick friend can feel awkward and even stressful. We want to say the right things, but we’re sometimes not sure of what those right things are. I came across an article in a recent issue of The Wall Street Journal which contains some sound advice on how to avoid insensitive or hurtful…

We All Need To Cultivate A Few Close Friendships

Close friends are people you can turn to in times of crisis. They’re the ones who will give you a caring and listening ear while you’re working your way through one of life’s rough patches.  In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, Sue Shellenbarger pointed out that such friendships are difficult for many…

It Pays To Cultivate Friends In Low Places

This is a very sound but seldom honored concept.  Most success seekers are so taken with trying to make high-powered friends that they treat people in low places like they’re invisible.  My wife recently attended a speech given by former Secretary of State, Colin Powell.  During his speech, he mentioned that he always took the…