Seeing A Glass As Being Half-Full Is Very Good For Your Health

Optimists are those people who have a positive outlook on life.  They’re the ones who see the glass as being half-full instead of half-empty.  And, if life sends them lemons, instead of feeling sorry for themselves, they find a way to make lemonade.  Numerous studies have shown that optimists enjoy some very important health benefits that pessimists (those who see that glass as being half-empty) do not.  For example, optimists live longer, have better physical and emotional health, achieve more, fight disease better, experience less stress and are much happier overall.  So, the next time life sends you an unpleasant event or a setback, instead of fretting over it or blaming yourself (which are bad for your health) remember, things happen that are beyond your control and they happen to everyone.  Then ask yourself, “What can I do to make lemonade out of this situation?”  “Is there a lesson to be learned or has this event enabled me to grow in a new direction?”  And, as you’re making your lemonade, feel free to add all the sugar you want.

One thought on “Seeing A Glass As Being Half-Full Is Very Good For Your Health

  1. Thanks Ross. I was just going to respond negatively to (in support of) a blog post about age and difficulty in gaining employment when I saw this note and decided to look at how I can make some tasty rasberry lemonade instead! You are THE BEST!


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