Enthusiasm: The X-Factor For Getting Ahead At Work

Scott Smith, “It always comes back to enthusiasm….”

A recent article in the Arizona Republic contained some sound advice for getting ahead at work. The article mentioned things like adding to your technical skills, pursuing additional education, networking and demonstrating integrity in everything you do.  Then the article quoted Scott Smith, a managing partner at the executive search firm of TowerHunter, Inc., who threw in an all-important qualifier to this advice: “It always comes back to enthusiasm….  Organizations really want to hire people who want to be there.  Employers want employees to have a deep passion for what they do and that passion has to be real.”  In other words, enthusiasm trumps just about everything else when it comes to getting ahead and staying ahead at work.  It will get you noticed by the right people in a very positive way, it will make you popular with your coworkers and you’ll be the last person your boss will consider laying off. – Ross Reck

3 thoughts on “Enthusiasm: The X-Factor For Getting Ahead At Work

  1. And you can’t really fake enthusiasm.. You REALLY have to be sincere and that comes from loving what you’re doing…

  2. In the electronics industry it is more about who you know. Companies want to have someone who can be affective right off the bat. Drop in and start working right away is the goal so they hire people that have a good reputation in the business. Some of the hires are because of “group think” (remember that old theory) but mostly hires are done because people know your work and how affective you are. Dull and boring is okay if you work affectively. I could give examples but it really doesn’t matter, If you know someone with influence in your company and they know you’re a good worker then you are hired. Even if you’re a shrew…just as long as you’re a good worker!

  3. Being enthusiastic shows that you really care about what you do; that you want to do quality work. This assures the company that you are an asset to them.

    I also see enthusiasm as a good motivator. If other people see your enthusiastic behaviour, they might see your enthusiasm and start to become more passionate about their work. It’s ‘contagious’, and it’s not a bad thing to ‘catch’.

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