Nine Lessons for Living a Longer Life

Since the 1990s, longevity expert and author, Dan Buettner, has been traveling with teams of researchers to areas around the world where people live the longest. His teams have studied how lifestyle and environment impact the length of people’s lives. According to an article which appeared in Monday’s USA Today, “Buettner says that while a…

A Quick Story About Encouragement

I received an email from a subscriber that contained a very powerful story that I’d like to share with you. “I thought of something that happened a number of years ago and thought of you… The last company I worked for was strong for the first few years and then started declining once we took…

Live Life on Your Own Terms; Not Someone Else’s

A quote from a recent addition of Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo caught my attention. The quote was from Steve Jobs and it went, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of…

The Time to be Happy is now

There’s no time like the present to be happy because the present is all we have. Furthermore, self-indulgent things and experiences don’t make us happy. Rather, our happiness is the byproduct of the actions we take to make others happy. These can be simple little things like complementing people on what they’re wearing of something…

Giving up on Your Dream has No Upside

Sometimes, when you’re pursuing your dream, the going gets tough. When this happens, it’s very tempting to say something like, “This is way too hard; maybe I should give up.” The problem with giving up is that achieving your dream might be just around the corner, but you’ll never know if you throw in the…