A Welcome Gift that everyone can give every Day

Being kind to others does not receive nearly the credit it deserves when it comes to making us happy. The truth is that it’s impossible to be truly happy if you aren’t kind to others. As Harold Kushner put it,” When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is…

Phrases that Could Tarnish Your Image at Work

​Beth Braccio Hering of CareerBuilder wrote an article titled, “Loose Lips Might Lose a Job,” which recently appeared in The Arizona Republic. In her article she listed several phrases that could potentially damage your career because they make you come across as anything but a team player. Some of these phrases are: I can’t take…

Serving Others helps keep us Younger

Art Fettig, an 85 year old American author, speaker, song writer, poet and playwright, made an eloquent comment on my Reminder from two weeks ago about the 74 year old coach that set aside retirement to make a difference. It resonated so strongly with me that I’d like to share it with you. He said,…

Do Something Joyful

I went to Trader Joe’s the other day feeling a little bit down. As I approached the counter with my cart full of groceries, I asked the checker how she was doing. She smiled and answered, “Every day’s a gift.” She then asked how I was doing. I said I was “hanging in there.” She…

One Airline that still cares about its Customers

Southwest Airlines is the only airline that allows you to check two bags free, doesn’t charge you a fee to change a reservation and gives you full credit toward future flights when you have to cancel a flight that you’ve already paid for. According to a recent article written by Dawn Gilbertson which appeared in…

Excellent Advice on how to Live Life to the Fullest

A relative of mine posted the following advice on Facebook recently. I found it too good not to share with you. “Go ahead and eat the chocolate cake. Walk in the rain and splash in the puddles. Ride with the windows down. Dance. Sing. Talk to strangers. Smile at everyone. Hug someone. Go barefoot. Take…

When you Travel, it Pays to be Kind

An article by Christopher Elliott titled, “Good behavior is your most valuable travel asset,” appeared in a recent issue of USA Today. The gist of the article was that polite travelers who demonstrate kind behavior to travel employees are treated better while those who demonstrate rude behavior are treated worse and, in some cases, much…