Autumn Leaves

Surprised by Kindness

​A relative from Iowa sent this account of some neighborly kindness that happened to her. “My yard is full of leaves. Today I heard a noise and thought that it was my neighbor blowing his leaves. When I went to move my plants outside from the garage, I discovered that the noise was in my…


Be Kind Because You Never Know….

​A friend of mine posted this quote by writer Nikki Banas on Facebook. It’s titled, Impact. I think it captures the essence of why we should be kind. “You never really know the true impact you have on those around you. You never know how much someone needed that smile you gave them. You never…


Enthusiasm: The Real Difference Maker in Your Life

​Your level of enthusiasm plays a vital role in your success. As author Og Mandino put it: “Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no matter how frightening or difficult, a new meaning.…


Five Simple Rules for Living a Happier Life

​A friend sent me this list of rules for living a happier live. This list is so succinct and so on target that I felt I needed to share it with you. I don’t know who the author is, but I’ve never seen a list like this with so few words that covers all the…


Sometimes You Have to Fake it Till You Feel it

We’ve all heard how happy people are healthier, live longer, do better in relationships and have a greater sense of wellbeing. But what do you do on those days when you just don’t feel happy? The answer is: you fake it—you go through the motions of being happy anyway. According to David Myers, Professor of…

The Power of Kindess

We Are Born to Be Kind

​Piero Ferrucci is a world-renowned psychologist and author of a book titled The Power of Kindness. In his book, Mr. Ferrucci references numerous research studies that show how kind people are healthier, live longer, feel better about themselves, are more popular, more productive, enjoy greater success in business and are happier. In addition, kind people are…

An Upbeat Greeting Can Have a Powerful Impact

​This week’s Reminder was sent in by a subscriber: “Taking responsibility for your attitude puts you in control of your feelings and thoughts. By expressing your positive attitude, you can make someone’s day, which will make you feel good as well. It’s a Win-Win situation. For example, I was visiting a friend in California last…