Korean Tourists

A Knock on the Door that Led to a Heartwarming Experience

On December 23rd, Alexander and Andrea Campagna were inside their home during the height of the snowstorm that was burying Buffalo, New York when there was a knock on their door. Outside were nine Korean tourists and their driver who were traveling from Washington, D.C. to Niagara Falls. Their tour bus was stuck in the…

Arizona Sunrise

One Way to Tell What Kind of Day You’ve Had

I saw the following quote on Facebook, and I think it’s an excellent way to determine what kind of day you’ve had: “If you can lie down at night, knowing in your heart that you made someone’s day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.” It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day better—a smile, a kind word, a hug, a compliment or just listening to what another person has to say. If you do these simple but caring things, you’ll not only make the world a better place, but you’ll feel better about yourself and sleep better as well.


A Little Humor Can Change the Attitude of the Person You’re Talking To

I was in Lowe’s looking to purchase some fire starters to use in our fireplace. I had no idea where to look and Lowe’s is a very large store. Just then, a Lowe’s employee who seemed to be in a hurry, walked by. I said, “Excuse me, could you tell me where I could find the fire starters?” She said, “I think it’s aisle 28,” and kept walking. I then said, “See, some men do ask for directions.”


Giving Someone a Piece of Your Mind is Never a Good Idea

There are times when we feel wronged or inconvenienced and want to tell somebody off or give them a piece of our mind because it would make us feel so good to do so. In reality, all you gain by such behavior is an enemy who is looking for a chance to get back at you and is actively telling others about how you made them feel—both of which make your life less happy and more difficult.

Thank You

Being Thankful Changes the Way We See the World

David R. Henson made a post to his blog that that grabbed my attention, and I would like to share part of it with you. “Studies show that spending time counting our blessings, keeping a gratitude journal, or writing letters of thanksgiving to our family, friends and mentors is one of the most reliable ways to lift our mood and transform our outlook on life….

Working Hard

What Is It That Enables Some People to Persist?

Helen Gurley Brown once said, “The only thing that separates successful people from those that aren’t is the willingness to work very, very hard.” In other words, successful people persist–they stay the course in pursuing their goals long after most other people have given up and quit.