November Is Gratitude Month Part 2

Last week I sent you half the list of 20 simple ways to show your appreciation to someone who has done something nice to you.  Below is the second half of that list.  Some of these won’t apply to those of you living in warm weather climates; but the thought still applies.

  1. Pick up some groceries and drop them off on your way home.
  1. Return a favor. If your neighbor always shovels your walk way or mows your grass get   out there before him or her and do theirs for a change.
  2. Watch your niece or nephew for an afternoon to give their parents some time off.
  3. Make reservations at their favorite restaurant.
  4. Make a candle light dinner at home for your spouse.
  5. Give a hug. Yes it can be that simple.
  6. Tell them what you think they are particularly great at.
  7. Write notes to leave on a pillow, a computer keyboard, or in a lunch box.
  8. Give a handmade gift. Winter is in full swing here, so how about a knitted scarf or mitts? Or a center piece for their table.
  9. Make a special day just for them. Plan a day for them around what they enjoy. Go with them if it’s appropriate.

Our relationships with others are what enrich our lives. Take time to show the people who make your life better how much you appreciate them and how much they matter.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

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