How One Man Followed His Passion After Retirement

PizzaThe Wall Street Journal recently carried a story by Glenn Ruffenach about a New Jersey resident named Paul Giannone. Mr. Giannone retired from spending nearly 30 years in the information technology field. He said he picked his career because, “I made good money…but I had absolutely no passion for it.” What he did love was pizza, like the kind serve in the restaurants in Brooklyn, where he grew up. According to the article, during his late 40’s and early 50’s, Mr. Giannone began toying with the idea of opening his own pizzeria. “He became an avid reader of and contributor to pizza blogs, restaurant-review sites and chef forums; he sampled dishes across the country on business trips; he built a pizza oven in his own backyard.” All of this resulted in a restaurant called Paulie Gee’s which opened in Brooklyn in 2010. Today he has franchises in Chicago, Baltimore, Miami and Columbus, Ohio.  As Mr. Giannone put it, “My job is having friends over, making pizza and hanging out…I can’t believe I get paid to do this.” If you would like to read Mr. Ruffenach’s entire article, please click on this link.

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