In This Issue
-My Weekly Reminder
–Left on Red
-I Want Your Success Stories
-Pass it on
My Weekly Reminder
Most companies have the goal of building a loyal base of customers who come back again and again and enthusiastically refer new customers to them. Many of these companies embrace slogans like: “The customer is king.” Or, “The customer is always right.” Or, “Spoil the customer.” The problem with this approach is that slogans don’t deliver customer service; front line employees do. If a company expects to deliver world class customer service, it’s the front line employee that needs to be pampered and spoiled. The better they feel about how they’re being treated by their company, the stronger their sense of loyalty and the better that level of service is going to be. As former Southwest Airlines CEO, Herb Kelleher said many times: “You can’t have great customer service unless you recognize that your front line employees come first.”
Left on Red: How to Ignite, Leverage and Build Visionary Organizations
This book, written by Bill Glynn, a friend of mine, is about how visionary thinkers and risk-takers build great companies. It shows you how to win big by doing things like swimming against the current, going against the grain and turning left on red. For further information about this book, click on the photo of the dust jacket below.
I Want to Hear Your Success Stories
If you have a success story using some of the ideas that I’ve presented in my Weekly Reminder, my books or my seminars, please send them to me. I would love to read them and possibly print them in a future issue of the Reminder. Click here for my email address.
Pass it on
If you know anyone who would like to read my Weekly Reminder, I would very much appreciate it if you would pass it on to them or sign them up. Thank you!