What Is It That Enables Some People To Persist?

In This Issue

-My Weekly Reminder
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My Weekly Reminder

Helen Gurley Brown once said, “The only thing that separates successful people from those that aren’t is the willingness to work very, very hard.”  In other words, successful people persist–they stay the course in pursuing their goals long after most other people have given up and quit.  What enables these people to persist is they know what it takes to succeed.  They understand that failure, setbacks and obstacles are all part of the process of succeeding.  So, instead of becoming discouraged when such events occur, they learn from them which turns these negative experiences into forward progress toward their goal.  As Thomas Edison put it: “I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.”


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Ross Reck's Revved!


Feedback From a Subscriber

This past week, I received the following email from a subscriber:

“Dear Ross,

     Thank you so much for your Reminder about the ‘Happiness Paradox.’  That is so true.  If you just lighten up and get on with your life, happiness will find you.”

Pass it on

If you know anyone who would like to read my Weekly Reminder, I would very much appreciate it if you would pass it on to them or sign them up.  Thank you!

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