Trying New Things: A New Year’s Resolution everyone can keep

...baking something from “scratch,”...

…baking something from “scratch,”…

Most of us are not afraid to try new things; we just don’t make it a priority.  Then, when we do try something new and realize how positive the experience was, we often kick ourselves for not having done it sooner.  Trying new things enriches your life in a number of ways:  It allows you to learn and grow while adding a dimension fun and excitement.  It also broadens your perspective and gives you a lot more to talk about in your conversations with others.  So, if you want to avoid the “blahs” and make sure that you don’t fall into a rut this coming year, make it a belated New Year’s resolution to try something new at least once a month and preferably once a week.  I’m talking about things like trying a new restaurant, brightening the day of a complete stranger, baking something from “scratch,” volunteering at a soup kitchen or taking that class that you’ve always wanted to take.  If you do this, you’ll find life to be a much richer, fuller and happier experience.  Just for the record, I tried making my own pasta this year—the experience was fun and the pasta was delicious. I now own a pasta making attachment for my Kitchen-Aid mixer.

3 thoughts on “Trying New Things: A New Year’s Resolution everyone can keep

  1. Ross……For the last 3 years I have tried to try and do different things all the time. It has been a saving grace for me to keep my mind occupied and my hands busy doing something new. It’s working great for me so far and I will continue to make it a part of my daily life style for as long as I can.

    Good advice for us all….nice Reminder today…..and what exactly are you making from scratch anyway…? 🙂

  2. Hi Ross, always enjoy your ideas and tips. I wrote this as one of my goals last year for the first time. I went zip-lining, swam with dolphins (a big deal to be in 20′ deep water when you can’t swim!), held a stingray, called people who intimidated me and met, set up online banking, did a wire transfer, etc. You’ve inspired me to make sure that is a goal this year also and I think I need to brainstorm some of the options. They won’t all be nearly as big as some from last year, but it is not only exhilarating but gives such a sense of confidence. I love continuously stretching my comfort zone! Thanks for the suggestions!

  3. So funny that you posted this today. I made it one of my goals for 2015 to do something new/different at least once a week. Could be making a new recipe, going to a new restaurant or museum, reading a book I wouldn’t usually choose, anything that is out of my normal routine. Last week I made soy candles with a friend; it was fun! Looking forward to meeting new people, generating new ideas and seeing where it all leads. Cheers to an exciting year for all!

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