Taking Risks Makes Life Fun and Exciting


Actor Denzel Washington once said in a commencement address, “I’ve found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. Nothing. Nelson Mandela said, ‘There is no passion to be found in playing small – in settling for a life that’s less than what your capable of living.’” Mr. Washington is right. Yes, taking a risk can have some pain and stress associated with it, but it also leads to learning, growth, success, and confidence. These are things that make life fun and exciting. Journalist Frank Scully put it this way: “Why not go out on a limb, isn’t that where the fruit is?”

One Sentence Wisdom

  • “You can’t get anywhere in life without taking risks.” — Esme Bianco
  • Taking risks doesn’t mean shirking responsibility but embracing possibilities.” — Vick Hope

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