Taking People For Granted Will Erode Your Base Of Influence

In This Issue

-My Weekly Reminder
-Feedback From a Subscriber
-Pass it on

My Weekly Reminder

One habit that’s all too easy to fall into is to treat people like light switches–pay attention to them when you want their help and then ignore them until you want their help again.  When you treat people this way, you send them a very clear message that you’re taking them for granted.  Once people receive this message, they become turned off about going the extra mile for you and they take their best efforts to where they are better appreciated.  To prevent this, regularly visit these same people when you don’t want something from them.  Instead, ask if there is anything you can do for them and then do it.  If you do, the next time you need their help, you can be certain that their answer will be an enthusiastic yes!


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Ross Reck's Revved!


Feedback From a Subscriber

This past week, I received the following email from a subscriber:


    I just finished reading your first book: The Win-Win Negotiator.  I now understand why personal relationships are such an important part of being successful at just about anything.  Thank You.”

Pass it on

If you know anyone who would like to read my Weekly Reminder, I would very much appreciate it if you would pass it on to them or sign them up.  Thank you!

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