Telling Someone to Relax Usually Increases their Stress Level

An article by Sue Shellenbarger, which recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal, pointed out an interesting paradoxical fact: “When someone is getting stressed out, one of the least effective (and perhaps most annoying) things to say is ‘Relax.’” She goes on to say that while the person communicating this directive may have the best…

It’s Easy to Forget How Blest We Are

I fell into this trap recently when it appeared that things weren’t going well in certain aspects of my professional life and I began to stress out.  When this happened, I lost track of the fact that I have a wonderful wife, a fantastic family, lots of great friends, a nice roof over my head…

Laughter is a Powerful Medicine for many of Life’s Ailments

​I’m sure you’ve all heard the phrase: “Laughter is the best medicine.” According to an article on Daily Health Post, there are at least eight health benefits associated with that are backed by scientific research. The article points out that laughter relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, burns calories, reduces pain, lowers blood sugar, improves our…

Nature Is A Great Stress Reliever

Not long ago, I was feeling stressed out and in need of some fast relief.  So, I went to one of my favorite places located about two hours from my home.  It’s located on the edge of a cliff at about 7,000 feet above sea level.  It’s almost always breezy up there and it overlooks…

Giving Brings Out The Best In People

I recently climbed into a bloodmobile to donate a pint of blood.  As I looked around, everyone there was either about to be stuck with a large needle, in the process of being stuck, having blood withdrawn or having a needle removed from their arm.  To someone who has never donated blood, this may sound…


Laughter Is A Powerful Medicine

There aren’t many medicines that even come close to delivering the benefits that laughter delivers.  To start with, laughter makes us feel good, makes our burdens seem lighter and makes the difficult times seem less difficult.