An article titled, “An Unraveling for Retail Workers,” recently appeared in The New York Times. The article points out that retail workers are overwhelmed and at the end of their rope. Most retail establishments are short-staffed, and more employees are calling in and taking time off because they have COVID or been exposed to it. This leads to longer lines at the registers and shelves that are not adequately stocked. As a result, customers are angry and they’re taking their anger out on those retail workers that remain. As one retail worker summed it up in the article, “Morale could not be lower.” These people need a break and it’s up to us to give them one. So, the next time you go into a retail establishment, make it a point to smile at the retail workers you encounter, ask them how they’re holding up and express your gratitude for the fact that they’re there. This will make a huge difference in how they feel about themselves and about what they’re doing.