Negative People Are A Luxury That Most Businesses Can’t Afford

In This Issue

-My Weekly Reminder
-I Want Your Success Stories
-Pass it on

My Weekly Reminder

Negative people who make nasty comments to belittle or surpress those around them are a tremendous drain on the productivity of a business.  The problem is that negative comments are hurtful and almost always ruin people’s days.  When this occurs, it immediately sucks away people’s energy and now they are no longer able to apply their best effort toward doing their job.  A friend of mine who is a manager recently told me that he receives at least one degrading email a month from one of his superiors.  “When this happens,” he said, “I completely shut down for the rest of the day.”  Let’s assume that 29 other employees received similar emails from that same person.  If each of them responded by shutting down for a half-day, that’s 15 days of lost productivity each month all because of one thoughtless email!  The message here is: If you have negative people working at your company–especially if they’re in supervisory positions–don’t ignore them.  You need to find a way to get them rehabilitated or get rid of them because they’re a luxury you simply can’t afford.


If you want more information about the book, just click on the image of the cover below.


Ross Reck's Revved!


I Want Your Success Stories

If you have a success story using some of the ideas that I’ve presented in my Weekly Reminder, my books or my seminars, please send them to me.  I would love to read them and possibly print some of them in a future issue of my Reminder.  Click here for my email address.

Pass it on

If you know anyone who would like to read my Weekly Reminder, I would very much appreciate it if you would pass it on to them or sign them up.  Thank you!


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