During this past year, I spent seven weeks getting infused with antibiotics twice a day at a local hospital. During that time, I got to know the reception employees and volunteers very well and they treated me with the utmost kindness. So much so that when my treatments were finished I wrote the hospital CEO a letter informing him of the fantastic treatment received and listed the names of everyone in that organization. Several weeks ago, I made a visit to that hospital just to say hi to those very nice people. As I walked in, one of the volunteers on the reception team came up to me and thanked me for writing the letter to their CEO. She said that because of my letter, she had received a special gold pin that she wore on her name badge. I said it was the least I could do given the fact that she and the rest of the team had been so nice to me during my stay. She then looked at me and said, “I understand what you’re saying Ross, but you have to remember one thing: you’re easy to be nice to.” At the time, this made me feel really good. On the drive home, I realized that this woman had handed me a very important life lesson for making our journey through life much more enjoyable and that is: “make it easy for others to be nice to you.”
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