Sometimes we get into ruts when it comes to solving everyday problems. We turn to the same solutions over and over when a better solution could be ours for the asking. For example, my daughter has two children—a nine-year-old daughter and a six-year-old son. She also has three chickens which keep the family supplied with fresh eggs. Last week she opened the door to her walk-in shower only to find a huge cockroach. My daughter does not do well with cockroaches. As a matter of fact, she finds them disgusting. She can handle most any other household inconvenience, but not cockroaches. Her method of dealing with them is put an upside-down waste basket or bucket over it and let her husband deal with it when he gets home from work. On this particular day, she turned to her children and asked, “How do you think we should deal with this?” They looked at each other for a moment and one of them said, “Let’s get the chickens!” They then gathered up the chickens, put them into the shower and closed the door. In less than 15 seconds, the problem was solved without my daughter having to get involved and one very happy chicken named Aquamarine enjoyed a tasty afternoon snack!