A recent article by Kaila White, which appeared in The Arizona Republic, featured a very special dining hall cashier at the Barrett Honors College at Arizona State University named Vicke Davis. According to the article, everyone knows her and loves her because she cares about the students who eat there. She knows their names, what year they are, what classed they’re taking and even where they went on vacation—she refers to these students as her “Barrett babies.” One day, last semester, a student named Quintin Woods asked her what her ideal vacation would be. She responded with “the Northern Lights;” she wanted to see the Aurora Borealis. This past week, Mr. Woods, along with about 100 other students presented Ms. Davis with a check for nearly $2,500 that they had collect from fellow students to pay for a trip to Canada so that she can finally see the Northern Lights. They also presented her with a camera so she can take pictures. This is a wonderful example which illustrates that if you love people, they will love you back. If you would like to see the warm hearted video of her being presented this check, here it is:
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