One of the biggest myths on the planet is: When I get what I want, I’ll be happy. This implies that happiness is a state that can be arrived at and that it can be achieved by focusing only on one’s self. In reality, the opposite is true. You can only achieve true happiness by making others happy. For example, think of those times when you wanted something very badly and finally got it. It may have made you feel happy for a day, a week, or a month, but eventually the novelty wore off and it was back to business as usual. Now think of those times when you did something that made someone else happy. You felt happy as a result and each time you recall one of these incidents, you feel happy all over again. This means that happiness is a journey and the more that journey is filled with incidents where you make other people happy, the happier your life is going to be.
This is why there super-rich are never happy or satisfied. Their goal is always just around the corner no matter how much they own.