Inspiration, that special stimulus that arouses our thinking, feeling and action is necessary before we can accomplish anything worthy of note. In the words of German Poet, Johann Von Herder, “Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, they are a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.” Those sparks, of course, are inspiration. The problem is that inspiration is an elusive concept. As Tara Stiles, founder of Strala Yoga said in a Huffington Post article, “Inspiration comes and goes when it pleases. It’s independent of our desires, doesn’t respond well to force, and refuses to be controlled.” Ms. Stiles also provides some advice on how we can gain more consistent access to inspiration: First, lighten up—inspiration doesn’t respond well to tightness. Second, take care of yourself—make sure you eat and sleep well. Finally, make it a point to hang out with people who inspire you.