Frowning Can be Bad for Our Happiness and Mental Health


​In a study reported in the Washington Post, 10 patients suffering from depression were injected with Botox (the drug that smooths out facial wrinkles) between their eyebrows. As a result, their facial muscles were unable to form a frown. Of these 10 patients, nine recovered from their depressive symptoms while the other patient, who suffered from bipolar disorder, showed an improvement in mood. One possible explanation for this is that when we frown, we come across as unfriendly or threatening to others, so they tend to avoid having contact with us which contributes toward depression. As Dr. Paul Ekman, Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of California at San Francisco put it, “We don’t like to talk to people who frown all the time or who are looking in anguish.” So, do yourself a favor and replace those frowns with smiles. You’ll be much happier and mentally healthier if you do.

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