During difficult times, it’s easy to get wrapped up in our own needs and concerns and forget all about the needs of those around us. We forget about how a kind word can brighten a colleague’s day or the impact that a caring gesture can have on a friend or neighbor. More important, we forget how doing these things can affect us in terms of making us feel good about ourselves. So, today I want you to do a few things to change that. First, I want you to pick up your phone and call someone you haven’t talked to in a while just to say hi. Next, I want you to get up from your desk and do some things to brighten the days of a few of your colleagues. Then, when you get home, do some similar things to your family members or neighbors. Finally, after dinner, I want you to kick back and take stock of how much better you feel about yourself and the world around you. I’ll be doing the same thing today right along with you. Have a great week! – RossReck.com and InstantTurnaround.net