Jeff Lewis is a friend of mine who is a quadruple amputee which means he has prosthetic hands and feet. Not long ago, he was riding the light rail which runs from Mesa, Arizona to downtown Phoenix. When he boarded the train, there were no empty seats, so he had to stand. As the train took off with a jerk, he had to grab a perpendicular pole with both his prosthetic hands. Most of the people in his train car had their noses buried in their cell phones and did not look up to notice that Jeff needed a seat. The only person who offered him a seat was a very elderly woman who had difficulty walking. Of course Jeff turned her down since he felt that her need for a seat was worse than his. My advice is this: take a break from your cell phone every now and then and look around you to see if there’s someone in need whom you can help. You could find yourself in a position to do someone a huge favor.
Unfortunately nowadays we are all so consumed with social media, games, and other smartphone apps, we hide behind them in order to avoid human contact. We are missing a lot by doing that. I make a point of leaving my phone in the purse when at public places. That way I get to people watch and enjoy myself all the same!