Like many professional athletes, most of us have fallen into an occasional slump where we’re not performing at our usual level of effectiveness. A slump usually takes the form of a lengthy drought between successes. And, like professional athletes, many of us try to break out of our slump by working harder and longer. What we often find, however, is that rather than bringing us out of our slump, all this extra work actually prolongs it. Sue Shellenbarger of the Wall Street Journal interviewed a number of prominent sports psychologists regarding the advice they give professional athletes on how to break out of a slump. They all agreed that the key is to stop overworking and take time to relax. As it turns out, we perform at our best when we’re well rested and relaxed which, in turn, enables us to break out of our slump. So, if you ever find yourself in a personal slump, remember the key to breaking out is to back off and stop trying so hard.
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The part of this story that I like is the quote which really homes in on it about how an archer has to be relaxed before shooting the arrow. In my youth, I remember I got really good at archery years ago at a summer camp with practice, patience and by being relaxed. Nice article!
Hi Tom,
Thank you so much for your kind comment regarding my blog. You made my day. I hope you are well. All the best to you, Ross