Being Optimistic Will Add Years To Your Life

In This Issue

-My Weekly Reminder
-Feedback From a Subscriber
-Pass it on

My Weekly Reminder

A recent article in Prevention magazine cited research conducted at Yale University which found that being optimistic in middle age increases your life span by 7.5 years.  The reason is that optimistic people are able to minimize the destructive effects of stress.  “Of course optimistic people get stressed,” says David Snowden, a professor neurology at the University of Kentucky who studies aging.  “But, they automatically turn the response off more quickly and return to a positive mental and physical state.”  The article listed several habits that are at the heart of an optimistic disposition: 1) Optimists regularly socialize with their friends either in person or on the phone, 2) They express their gratitude for all the good things that happen to them and 3) They’re randomly kind.  These are simple things that all of us can do and, as the research shows, if we do them on a regular basis, we’ll add years to our lives.


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Feedback From a Subscriber

Recently, I received the following email from a subscriber regarding the Weekly Reminder that dealt with The Power of Kindness:

“Hello Ross,

 Great article this week.  Wanted to comment on a random act that I did this week that I hope others will engage in. As I am leaving the university after an a.m. class, there are many frenzied people looking for parking spots.  For the past several weeks I have found one person, and I secretly signal them to where I have parked so they can position themselves to grab my spot once I back out.  The gestures of appreciation are incredible!  For some reason I don’t need any more affirmation that day.  And it is just a stupid parking space.  Go figure.”

Pass it on

If you know anyone who would like to read my Weekly Reminder, I would very much appreciate it if you would pass it on to them or sign them up.  Thank you!

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