Age Is A State Of Mind

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder I have always wondered what the phrase, “Age is a state of mind,” meant.  Recently I came across a daunting quotation that told me the answer.  It went something like this, “You become old when your dreams are replaced…

Obstacles Are Excuses For Doing Nothing

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Need Your Help My Weekly Reminder How often have you heard people say something like, “I would pursue my dream if only I were better at math.”  Or, “If only I were a few years younger.” Or, “If only I had the money to pay for it.”  While…

The Secrets For Making Dreams Come True

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Everyone has a dream, but not everyone’s dream comes true.  The question is, why?  The song, When You Wish Upon a Star provides two important insights necessary to answer this question.  First, as the song says, “When your heart is…

A Positive Attitude Guarantees A Better Life

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Research conducted by Dr. Martin Seligman, Director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania shows that a person’s attitude is a better predictor of his or her success than I.Q., education and a host of other factors. …

Celebrate Your Successes

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder When you achieve something that’s important to you, don’t let the moment pass without celebrating.  Achievements always involve the expenditure of extra effort over an extended period of time and often involve some disappointment, frustration, setbacks and burnout.  Celebrating these moments…

The Importance of Taking That First Step

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder In life, one step leads to another, but you have to take that first step before it can lead to another.  Sometimes our dreams appear so far away that they seem out of reach.  When this happens, remember the old…

Turn Unexpected Delays Into Opportunities

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder In today’s fast paced world, unexpected delays and interruptions are anything but welcome–in fact, they can be downright stressful.  I’m talking about delayed flights, waiting to have a flat tire fixed and long lines at the Post Office.  You…

Hallmarks Of A Great Leader

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Author, Jim Collins, conducted research on leaders who were able to take their respective companies from being “good” to being “great.”  As a result, he was able to identify some of the characteristics these leaders had in common.  I…

Being Nice Will Take You Far

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder A growing body of research is showing that the old adage “nice guys finish last” is simply not true.  A recent study published in the Harvard Business Review found that being likable–making those around you feel good about themselves–is…

The Fear Of Failure Is Grossly Exaggerated

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-I Want Your Success Stories-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Many people fear failure worse than they fear dying.  This makes the fear of failure a very powerful obstacle to success  because it discourages people from taking the necessary risks to follow their dreams.  In reality, death…