One Person With A Positive Attitude Can Work Wonders

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Travels-I Need a Favor My Weekly Reminder I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying that, “It takes only one rotten apple to spoil the whole barrel.”  Just the opposite is true when it comes to people—one person with a positive attitude can turn around an entire toxic work situation. …

Being Able To Admit Your Mistakes Is A Hallmark Of Success

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Travels-I Need a Favor My Weekly Reminder I’ve come across several people recently who simply can’t admit it when they’ve made a mistake.  Instead of admitting their mistake and taking responsibility for it, they blame others.  As far a they’re concerned, admitting a mistake is a sign of personal…

Focusing On Others Is The Key To Your Success

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Travels-I Need a Favor My Weekly Reminder A subscriber recently sent me the following collection of related sayings that she found in a drawer.  I have no idea where it originated, but I think it’s right on target. The six most important words in our language are:     I admit…

The World Belongs To Optimists

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Travels-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder The world belongs to optimists–people with positive attitudes who expect favorable outcomes. When you expect things to work out, you take the necessary action to make sure they do. Being a pessimist is easy–not fun or pleasant, but easy–because you don’t have to do anything…

Being Flexible Makes You More Likeable

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Travels-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Have you ever gone on a vacation with someone who was inflexible–where everything had to be done his or her way?  If you have, chances are you never went on a vacation with that person again.  The same thing holds true in other…

The Waiter Rule: A Fail-Safe Character Test

In This Issue – My Weekly Reminder– Book Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder USA Today recently ran an article on the Waiter Rule–You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter.  Ratheon CEO, Bill Swanson says the rule never fails.  “A person who is…

The Key To Happiness: Be Yourself

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Feedback From A Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder One of the difinitions of happiness is: “To be especially well-adjusted.”  This means that before you can be happy, you have to first be comfortable with who you are.  All too often, people attempt to achieve happiness by pretending to…

Lesson For Managers: You Can’t Say “Thank You” Too Often

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder A research study recently reported in the Harvard Business Review found that the vast majority of employees are quite excited when they start a new job.  This study also found that in 85 percent of the companies surveyed, this excitement…

People Who Carry Grudges Wind Up Being Big-Time Losers

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder People who carry grudges don’t seem to realize that nothing good comes from such behavior.  It sends a very clear message to those around you that you are self-centered, not a team player, and very immature.  In addition, carrying grudges…

Don’t Follow A Path–Blaze A Trail

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Many people choose to follow the crowd by taking the well-worn path through life.  They find this choice appealing because it seems relatively risk free and it keeps them well inside their comfort zone.  In reality, there are huge…