Courage Is A Necessary Ingredient For Success

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder While following the crowd is easy, it never leads to success.  Success, on the other hand, requires that you chart your own path through unknown territory–the road less traveled, if you will.  Doing so will require some courage on…

A Sense Of Humor Is The Key To A Balanced Life

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder I just finished reading I Shouldn’t Even Be Doing This written by comedian Bob Newhart.  At the end of the book, he shared his observations of people who have a sense of humor–the ability appreciate and express the funny…

“Real People” Can Achieve Amazing Results

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder When he was CEO of the Chrysler Group, Dieter Zetsche was credited with turning a “stumbling Detroit automaker” completely around.  Shortly after he accepted the position to go back to Germany and head up all of DaimlerChrysler, USA Today…

Keeping Your Hands “Dirty” Sustains Your Success As A Manager

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Many people, once they get promoted into the managerial ranks, mistakenly assume that they’re all done getting their hands dirty–doing the nitty-gritty day-to-day menial jobs on the front line.  A recent study of highly successful companies reported in Fast…

If You Blow Your Own Horn, Make Sure You Use The Word “They”

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-I Want Your Success Stories My Weekly Reminder Over the years, I’ve heard a number of people–business leaders, gurus and the like–say, “Sometimes you have to blow your own horn in order to get noticed.”  While true, blowing your own horn can be a dicey proposition. …

If You Are Waiting For Someone To Rescue You, Forget It!

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder All too many people go through life waiting to be rescued—waiting for something really good to happen to them.  The biggest reason is that they are afraid to try new things because they’re worried about failing or making mistakes. …

Giving Of Yourself Always Comes Back

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Feedback From a Subscriber About REVVED!-Pass it On My Weekly Reminder You’ve all heard the saying, “What goes around, comes around.”  It’s usually intended to mean that if you take action with the intent of hurting someone, negative consequence will some day come back to haunt you.  The same…

True Happiness Lies Within You

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Travels-I Need a Favor My Weekly Reminder I recently came across a quote from Og Mandino that says it all when it comes to being truly happy.  “Realize that true happiness lies within you.  Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world…

Ultimatums Do Not Solve Problems

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-Book Update-Travels-Feedback From a Subscriber My Weekly Reminder Ultimatums are threats of serious consequences to others who choose not to agree with you—we all remember the kid on the playground who, if he didn’t get his way, took his bat and ball and went home.  The problem with ultimatums is…