Your Comfort Zone: Is It A Sanctuary Or A Prison?

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-I Want Your Success Stories My Weekly Reminder Most of us, if left to our druthers, would prefer to live our lives within the friendly confines of our “comfort zone.”  And why not?  That’s where life is easy, familiar and totally risk free.  Many people view…

Failure: The World’s Most Effective Learning Experience

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Far too many people have bought into the myth that failure is fatal and is something that should be avoided.  In reality, failure is the world’s most effective learning experience.  Most of our greatest accomplishments were made possible through failure–learning…

Taking Your Effectiveness As A Manager To The Next Level

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Research has shown that what people want most in a boss is a nice person who says “thank you” a lot.  A recent study reported in the Harvard Business Review found that being likeable–making those around you feel good about themselves–is…

Moodiness Can Be A Career Killer

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Most of us have experienced people who don’t control their emotions very well.  Their behavior can vary unpredictably from angry to sulking to being excessively sensitive or irritable.  What’s more, they expect those around them to cater to their changing…

The Shortest Route To Forgiveness Is An Apology

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Everyone of us, at one time or another, has done something that has either hurt or disappointed someone thereby damaging your relationship.  This is nothing to be ashamed of, it’s a normal part of being human–stuff like this happens.  What…

Surprise! Emotions Rule When It Comes To Decision-Making

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder While many of us would like to believe that the decisions we make are based on rational calculation rather than emotion, a recent study reported in USA Today showed the exact opposite is true.  The study, conducted by a…

Your Attitude Makes All The Difference

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Over the centuries, numerous philosophers have stated that a person’s attitude has far more to do with his or her success than ability.  For example, William James said, “It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task, which…

If You Treat People Well, You’ll Be A Very Successful Manager

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From Readers of REVVED!–Pass it on My Weekly Reminder U.S. News & World Report recently reported a study that involved 732 medium-sized manufacturing firms located in either the United States or in Europe.  The study attempted to resolve the following debate:  “Does productivity come only at the expense…

High Achievers Are Not Afraid To Try

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From Readers of REVVED!–Pass it on My Weekly Reminder The biggest single difference between high achievers and everyone else is that high achievers are not afraid to try–they view failure as their best teacher.  High achievers understand that if they try something and fail, they will learn valuable lessons upon which they can…

Frowning Can Be Very Bad For Your Mental Health

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From Readers of REVVED!–Pass it on My Weekly Reminder In a recent study reported in the Washington Post, 10 patients suffering from depression were injected with Botox (the drug that smooths out facial wrinkles) between their eyebrows.  As a result, their facial muscles were unable to form a frown.  Of…