Worrying Is Unhealthy And It Solves Nothing

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Human beings are prone to worry–we worry about our jobs, the welfare of our loved ones and about our future.  The problem with worrying is that if affects every system in our body in some unhealthy ways.  For example,…

Putting Employees First–The Killer Management Philosophy

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Why do Toyota, Southwest Airlines, Costco and Starbuck’s lead their respective industries in terms of profitability?  Answer:  They operate from a management philosophy that employees come first and customers come second.  As former Southwest CEO, Herb Kelleher put it, “Your…

People Will Give Their Best As Long As It’s Appreciated

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder It’s a fact to life; people prefer to engage in those activities that make them feel good.  And, the better something makes them feel, the harder they’ll work at it.  One of the things that makes people feel really good…

Negative Comments Are Costly

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From A Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Negative comments are hurtful.  Whether delivered in person or by email, they almost always ruin people’s days.  When people have their day ruined, their reservoir of positive energy is instantly drained.  Consequently, they are no longer excited about giving their…

Excessive Pride Usually Leads To A Downfall

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder We’ve all heard the expression, “Pride goes before the fall,” but what exactly does it mean?  First of all, prideful people are very taken with themselves in that they have an inordinately high opinion of their importance or worth.  In other…

Leo Durocher Really Meant That Nice People Finish First

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Probably the most commonly used phrase to put down the act of being nice is, “Nice guys finish last.”  That phrase was coined by Leo Durocher, a manager in Major League Baseball from 1939-1973.  It was also the title of…

Being Nice Is The Hallmark Of A Winner

My Weekly Reminder -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder How many times have you heard people say something like, “If you’re nice, people will take advantage of you?”  Or, “If you’re nice people will think you’re a pushover?”  Or, “Nice people finish last?”  People who say these things are…

Don’t Ignore A Bad Mood, Turn It Into A Good One

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Research by Wharton Professor, Nancy Rothbard and Steffanie Wilk, a professor at the Fisher School of Business at Ohio State University found that people who come to work in a good mood tend to stay that way all day, are…