Persistence Sets Successful People Apart

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED Update-Feedback From a Suscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder If there is one charactesristic that sets successful people apart, it’s persistence–the willingness to hang in there when it comes to persuing an idea or dream.  If you look at successful people throughout history, very few were overnight successes.  Instead,…

The Quickest Way To Get Back Up When You’re Down

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder All of us have experienced times when we’re feeling down, depressed and unhappy.  During such episodes, there is a tendency for us to focus inward thinking only of our problems, our troubles and our misfortunes–a behavior pattern that actually prolongs…

It Pays To Validate The Worth Of Others

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Not long ago, I attended a meeting where I had to park in a public parking structure.  When I arrived, I was issued a ticket by the machine that lets you into the structure.  My instructions were to get the…

Giving Your Best Is The Foundation Of Happiness

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder We’ve all heard phrases like, “Always give your best”, “Be all that you can be” or “Never tolerate mediocre efforts in yourself.”  This begs the question:  “Is it really all that important for us to give our best efforts on a regular…

Getting The Most Out Of Being Nice

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Being nice normally involves brightening people’s days by smiling and saying something positive to them.  This puts people in a positive frame of mind which greatly enhances your personal effectiveness.  But, if you really want to get the most out of being nice,…

The Next Time Opportunity Knocks, Open The Door

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–Revved! Update-Feedback From Subscribers-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Often times, people choose to pass on many of the opportunities that life sends their way out of fear–they don’t know where the opportunity is going to take them.  This is unfortunate, because saying “yes” to opporrtunities is part of what it…

Finding Your Calling Is Not A Spectator Sport

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From Subscribers-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Over the years, a number of people have asked me, “How do I find my calling–something I can do that gives my life purpose and meaning?”  Each of these people had the idea that finding their calling was like leafing through…

The Easiest Of All New Year’s Resolutions: Be Nice

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder While many New Year’s resolutions such as losing weight, getting organized or expanding your horizons can be difficult to follow through on, here’s one that isn’t: be nice.  All you need to do is smile and say something positive…