Hard Work, Not Talent Is The Stuff That Heros Are Made Of

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From A Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder While reading through some of the hype that preceded the recent NFL draft, the comment I kept seeing over and over was about how many talented players weren’t willing to do the work necessary to take advantage of their talent. …

Taking Risks Has Many Rewards

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-5 Cool Ideas-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Television Commentator, Charles Kuralt, once said, “Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fades and popular opinion.”  Dale Carnegie put it this way, “The person who goes farthest is generally the one who is…

The Importance Of Taking A Day Off

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder A recent CareerBuilder survey found that more than half of all workers say they are under a great deal of stress and nearly 80 percent say they are burned out on the job.  At the same time, people are taking…

Loving Those Around You Makes You A More Effective Person

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-I Need Your Help-Feedback From A subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Eddie Robinson, the lengendary football coach at Grambling State University, died recently at the age of 88.  During his 57 year career he won 408 games (only one coach has won more) and more than 200 of his…

A Lesson From Kindergarten Students: Laugh More

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-I Need Your Help-Feedback From Subscribers-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder The benefits from laughter are far too numerous to ignore.  For example, laughter strenthens the immune system, helps you heal more quickly, reduces food cravings, reduces stress, anxiety and anger while providing you with a better night’s sleep.  The…

Enthusiasm: The Real Difference-Maker In Your Life

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Your level of enthusiasm plays a vital role in your success.  As Og Mandino once said: “Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm.  Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any…

Success Is Something You Can’t Achieve By Yourself

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Dale Carnegie once said, “If you expect to achieve anything during your lifetime that is worthy of note, you have to remember one thing: You can’t do it by yourself; you need all the help you can get.”  In other…

The Hard Truth About Customer Sevice For Senior Managers

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Recently, Business Week published its first-ever ranking of the top 25 providers of customer service.  As it turns out, most of these companies have two things in common:  First, they consider their employees at least as important, if not more so,…

Being Nice Is Good For Your Health

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder–REVVED! Update-Feedback From Subscribers-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Kory Floyd, a researcher at Arizona State University, has found that being nice–letting people know that you care about them–has some important health benefits associated with it:  It can lower stress, moderate blood pressure and reduce the risk of depression.  Mr. Floyd…