People Talking

How to Avoid Torturing Yourself Later in Life

It’s not uncommon to hear people making excuses about why they didn’t take advantage of the opportunities that life sent their way. You’ll hear them say things like, “I could have done this or that….” Then come the excuses: “…but at the time my kids were little,” or “but we had just bought a new house,” or “but it seemed like too big of a risk” Unfortunately, many of these people continue this pattern of making excuses right into their old age.

Life of the Party

How to Become the Life of the Party

I attended a party where one of the guests was intent on bragging about his latest accomplishments. I watched as he moved from group to group trying to get people to listen to his story. As soon as he started talking about himself, one by one, people in the group would excuse themselves and move on.

Pizza Maker

Why Do People Behave Like This?

A friend shared the following story with me. “I went to a restaurant to pick up a pizza. Both rooms were full of diners, and the phone was ringing nonstop with take-out orders. The employees were running their legs off, and the guy ahead of me was screaming abusively at the woman behind the cash register because his pizza wasn’t ready.

Joy - Happiness

You Don’t Have to Earn Your Joy

A wise woman named Cheryl Richardson said the following in her weekly blog at See if this sounds familiar. “I stood at the kitchen sink rinsing plates and putting them in the dishwasher when I noticed a familiar train of thought laying tracks in my head.