We Become what We Think of Ourselves to Be

The above is a quote from a sermon I heard recently. When you think about it, it’s actually pretty scary–our thoughts determine what we become. This means that we need to choose our thoughts very carefully or we run the risk of becoming something we don’t want to be. As we choose our thoughts, it’s…

Kindness Makes us Happy in a way that Lasts

​I recently came across an article written by Alex Dixon titled, “Kindness Makes You Happy… And Happiness Makes You Kind.” The article cited two research studies which suggest that once you start doing kind things for other people, you probably won’t want to stop. The reason is that performing acts of kindness makes us happy…

Does Pursuing Happiness Lead to Happiness?

Pursuing happiness is one of the major drivers of our behavior. However, an article written by Adam Grant, a Management professor at the University of Pennsylvania, which was recent  posted on Linkedin.com suggests that our “…quest for happiness might be a recipe for misery.” The reason for this is: “Happiness is an individual state, so…

Sound Advice for Living a Good and Happy Life

An article about Martha Stewart’s new book, Living the Good Life appeared in a recent issue of USA Today. Among other things, the article presented Martha’s “10 Golden Rules” for aging. Several of these caught my eye because they are the key to living a good and happy life at any age. They are: find…

When you’re doing what you Love to do, you Become Resilient

These words are from a commencement speech that was recently delivered at the University of Michigan by Richard Costolo, the co-founder and current CEO of Twitter. The resilience that comes from doing what you love puts you in a position where you are able deal with the setbacks and obstacles that life throws at you…

Happiness is Love – Period!

An article by Scott Stossel in a recent issue of The Atlantic reports on one of the longest-running longitudinal studies on human development. The study began in 1938 and followed the lives of 268 Harvard undergraduates (these were all men because Harvard wasn’t coed at the time) for 75 years. One of the most interesting…

Lessons for Success from the Founder of USA Today

Al Neuharth, the founder of USA Today, died this past week at the age of 89. When he published the first issue of USA Today on September 15, 1982 he received a lot of criticism from the media industry–they referred to the venture as “Neuharth’s Folly.” After all, everyone knew there was no market for a new daily…

How to Visit with a Sick Friend

Visiting with a sick friend can feel awkward and even stressful. We want to say the right things, but we’re sometimes not sure of what those right things are. I came across an article in a recent issue of The Wall Street Journal which contains some sound advice on how to avoid insensitive or hurtful…