A Life Lesson from Mickey Rooney

​Mickey Rooney, the legendary actor whose career spanned more than 80 years, died this week. When asked by the Associated Press in 2008 why he continued to work so late in life, his answer was: “I always say, don’t retire–inspire. There’s a lot to be done.” This is a good principle for all of us…

Trader Joe’s Follows an Age Old Formula to a Number One Rating

Consumer Reports recently rated Trader Joe’s as the number one national grocery store chain in the United States. A post made by NBC News contributor Herb Weisbaum on TODAY.com, quoted Consumer Reports’ Tom Marks as saying, “Trader Joe’s gets exemplary marks for service and very good marks for perishables. Their prices were considered extraordinary and…

When Something is Bad, Turn it around and Make Something Good

Many residents of the northern and eastern parts of the United States, who have experienced a seemingly endless and frigid winter, have expressed disgust at Mother Nature. According to a recent article in USA Today, a Minnesota farmer named Greg Novak along, with his family and friends, built a huge 50 foot high snowman “…as…

Love Makes Life’s Journey Worthwhile

This past week, I had a strong reminder of how important love is as we journey through life. My oldest daughter had just come home from the hospital after giving birth to a son just 30 hours prior. My wife and I had cooked dinner and brought it over to share with them. Everyone was…

The Dalai Lama Shares His Secret to Happiness

Recently, the Dalai Lama joined Willow Bay for a HuffPost Live conversation about happiness, mindfulness and success. To be truly happy, he said, there are two things you need: “One, warm heartedness. That brings inner strength, more self confidence. That reduces fear, that reduces suspicion…Then in order to pay more attention to these things, you…

Five Simple Rules for Happiness

I came across this list of rules when a friend of mine posted it on Facebook. I like this list because there are only five rules, they’re simple and they’re dead on. I have no idea who the original author is, but I want to share this list with you. Free your heart from hatred.…

Floating Through Life is not the Most Rewarding Option

Some people choose to float through life–sitting back and watching the world go by while passing on opportunities and challenges that require any risk or effort. I had one such person share with me her strategy for dealing difficult challenges and tasks. She said, “If you wait long enough, someone will come along and do…