Friendships Are Very Good for Us

An article by Elizabeth Bernstein which recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal, points out that people who have solid friendships live longer and healthier lives. She goes on to say, “Friendship decreases blood pressure and stress, reduces the risk of depression and increases longevity, in large part because someone is looking out for us.…

The Power of Handwritten Note Taking

According to an article by Robert Lee Hotz which recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal, students who take handwritten notes outperform those who type them on a keyboard. While handwritten note takers take fewer notes than those who type them (22 words per minute vs.33), they learn better, retain information longer and more readily…

Happiness During Retirement isn’t just about Money

Most of the advice about preparing for retirement centers around making sure that you’ve put enough money aside in order to live comfortably. However, an article written by Brian Stoffel which appeared in a recent issue of USA Today points out that it takes more than money to have an enjoyable retirement.” Mr. Stoffel cited…

The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing

The Five Top Regrets of Dying People

Bronnie Ware is an Australian author, songwriter and an international speaker. Prior to that, she worked many years as a palliative care specialist dealing with patients who had gone home to die. She was with them during the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. When she questioned them about any regrets they had…

Go for it while You Still Have the Chance

It’s not uncommon to hear people making excuses about why they didn’t take advantage of the opportunities that life sent their way. You’ll hear them say things like, “I could have done this or that….”  Then come the excuses: “…but at the time my kids were little,” or “but we had just bought a new…

The Simple Truth about Happiness

I came across an interesting quote made by a psychologist named Theodor Reik more than 50 years ago. “In order to be happy oneself, it is necessary to make at least one other person happy.” He went on to say, “The secret to human happiness is not in self-seeking, but in self-forgetting.” What Dr. Reik…

Do you want to be Right or Happy?

This has to be one of the strangest questions I’ve ever heard.  It implies that you can only be one or the other–right or happy.  In reality, you can be both pretty much all the time unless you’re being right is tied to your having to prove to someone else that they’re wrong.  Now you’ve…


How to Break out of a Personal Slump

Like many professional athletes, most of us have fallen into an occasional slump where we’re not performing at our usual level of effectiveness.  A slump usually takes the form of a lengthy drought between successes.  And, like professional athletes, many of us try to break out of our slump by working harder and longer.  What…