How One Man Followed His Passion After Retirement

​The Wall Street Journal recently carried a story by Glenn Ruffenach about a New Jersey resident named Paul Giannone. Mr. Giannone retired from spending nearly 30 years in the information technology field. He said he picked his career because, “I made good money…but I had absolutely no passion for it.” What he did love was…

First steps....

Once You Begin, the Rest is Easy

A friend shared this quote with me at a recent meeting. It makes so much sense. If you don’t start, you can’t finish. If you don’t attempt, you can’t succeed. A philosopher once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” The same thing holds true for a journey of a…

Lady Gaga

We All Need to Throw Kindness Around Like its Confetti

Lady Gaga recently said that, “Kindness is showing love to someone else. I believe that kindness is the cure to violence and hatred around the world.” This being the case, kindness is not something that should be horded or conserved. Rather, kindness is something that should be spread with wild abandon like it’s confetti! Kind…


Sometimes the Kindest Thing You Can Do is Listen

Listening ​I came across a Facebook post by a radio talk show host in Phoenix who recently fostered then adopted a six-year-old girl whom he refers to as “Sister” in his post. It reads: “When Sister was first placed with us she told us, ‘People say that I talk too much.’ And she seemed embarrassed…