Frank Myers Auto Maxx

Excellent Advice for Dealing with Toxic People

Tracy Myers, a friend of mine who owns Frank Myers Auto Maxx in Winston Salem, North Carolina, made this excellent post on Facebook on December 30: “Remember the old saying: “If you lie with the dogs then you’ll rise with the fleas”? It’s true. That’s why I encourage you to look closely at your relationships…


Sad But True: Power Corrupts

​A set of research studies reported in the Wall Street Journal found that nice people–people who are polite, honest, outgoing and compassionate–are more likely to rise to positions of power in the organizations they worked for. These findings held true for corporations, the military and politics. It turns out that people bestow authority on people…

How One Man Followed His Passion After Retirement

​The Wall Street Journal recently carried a story by Glenn Ruffenach about a New Jersey resident named Paul Giannone. Mr. Giannone retired from spending nearly 30 years in the information technology field. He said he picked his career because, “I made good money…but I had absolutely no passion for it.” What he did love was…