
Are You Still Relevant?

This past week, as I was exiting a supermarket, I ran into someone that I hadn’t seen in quite a while. She was a former elementary school principal and had been retired for several years. We talked for a few minutes about our kids and then she asked me if I was still writing and…

splash in the puddles

Life Advice from a Legendary American Philosopher

​Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Be Silly. Be Honest. Be Kind.” These three short sentences form the foundation for a happy and meaningful life. Be Silly tells us to relax and let our fun side take over occasionally. We need to give ourselves permission to do things like walk in the rain, splash in the…

Never Stop Learning

Growing as We Age Keeps Us Interesting

I attended a party recently where someone said to me, “People don’t change much as they age unless they continue to grow.”  In other words, when we stop growing, we become boring.  This thought intrigued me, so I did some checking and found there is a great deal of truth associated with it. As, singer,…

Four leaf clover

How to Improve Your Luck

Janice Kaplan and Barnaby Marsh wrote an article about their new book, How Luck Happens, which recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal. According to the article, two of the key traits of successful people are persistence and optimism—to keep trying again and again, knowing that sooner or later one of those tries is going to succeed.…


People Love to Pitch in and Help Deserving People

I came across a wonderful story involving human kindness on the Good News Network. Trenton Lewis is a 21-year-old single dad who works for a UPS facility in Little Rock, Arkansas. For seven months he faithfully got up in the very early morning so that he could walk 5.5 miles to work in time for…

Money Can’t Buy Happiness or Friendship

Money Can’t Buy Happiness or Friendship

I recently came across a review of a book about former Tonight Show host Johnny Carson, who was once known as the King of Late Night. During the 1970s and 1980s, he was the highest-paid entertainer in the US. The book was written by Henry Bushkin who served as Mr. Carson’s personal attorney for 18…