How to Earn Positive Attention at Work

An article titled, “Tips to Receive the Best Raises,” which appeared in Career, contains some solid advice for earning positive attention at work. This advice is so basic that it can help you succeed in any type of situation whether it’s work, a service organization, a club, a church or life in general. Here…


The More Generous We Are, the Better We’ll Feel

​For the longest time it was thought that people donated to charity or did things to aid the less fortunate because of some unselfish concern for the welfare of others. On the other hand, an article which appeared in The Wall Street Journal concluded that doing things to benefit others is a very selfish act. The…

Want to Increase Your Self-Confidence? Expand Your Comfort Zone

​​Study after study has shown that successful people possess high levels of self-confidence—a rock solid belief in their abilities.  This confidence stems from the fact that they have very large “comfort zones.”  The reason is that successful people, as they go through life, are constantly trying out new and different things—they’re continually expanding their comfort…

What to Say to Someone When You’re Not Sure What to Say

We’ve all experienced those awkward moments when we want to greet someone who is going through a difficult time and we’re not sure what to say. Advice columnist Carolyn Hax shared some anonymous advice from one of her readers on this subject in The Arizona Republic. “A man in our office was dying. The last…

Tongues are Made for Praising

​​I came across this phrase in a magazine I was reading. I thought, “Wow! This makes perfect sense!” Tongues are not made for belittling people, insulting them or making them feel bad. None of these actions make the world a better place. On top of that, they drain us of positive energy and make us…