Don't Worry, Be Happy

Happiness Causes Lots of Good Things to Happen in Your Life

We’ve all heard the phrase: “Don’t worry, be happy.” While it may sound trite, numerous medical and psychological studies show that this is sound advice to live by. These studies found that that happiness causes good things to happen across a number of fronts. For example, happy people have higher incomes, more fulfilling marriages, healthier…


Gaining Access to Inspiration

Inspiration, that special stimulus that arouses our thinking, feeling and action is necessary before we can accomplish anything worthy of note. In the words of German Poet, Johann Von Herder, “Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, they are a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.” Those sparks…

Soy Creamy

Get to Know the Employees of Places You Frequent

I visit the Trader Joe’s grocery store in my neighborhood several times a week. Whenever I go, I make it a point to positively interact with as many of its employees as I can. As a result, I have become friends with quite a few of them. Several weeks ago, I went there to buy some cherry chocolate chip soy ice cream for Noah, my four-year-old grandson who is lactose intoleran


Performing a Kind Act is not a One-Time Joyful Experience

Recently my wife, Marcia, and I attended a meeting of about 20 people where I was asked to lead a discussion on kindness. As the meeting progressed, people started sharing their personal stories about kind acts they had performed for others. It quickly became clear that performing these kind acts was an important source of…

Grocery Carts

Being Kind Can Change a Person’s Attitude and Make Their Day

Yesterday I dropped my oldest son (Silas) off at his social skills group and then my youngest son (Braydon) and I went to the supermarket for a few things. I thought to myself, ‘I’ve got one hour to get groceries, pick up dinner, and go back to get Silas. Easy!’ I was a bit grumpy and rushed, but while pushing Braydon in the stroller and pulling the shopping cart I didn’t bang into anything or anyone.


Six Things Mentally Strong People Do

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook. I think it’s sound advice for living your life fully, comfortably, and successfully. They move on. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves. They embrace change. They welcome challenges. They stay happy. They don’t waste energy on things they can’t control. They are kind, fair and…


Kindness Brings You Joy

Last Friday I stopped at a gas station to fill my car with gas. As swiped my credit card, a station attendant walked past me to the other side of the pump. A commotion followed and I heard the station attendant exclaim, ‘Why does all this happen on a Friday?’.


The More We Measure the Less We Live

I found the following post by Craig Worst on a Facebook Page titled, Days of Gratitude. “We have been conditioned to believe that setting goals and measuring everything we do will bring us happiness, peace, and success. While this may be true for ‘material happiness,’ the opposite is true for ‘authentic happiness,’ Stop measuring the…