
Being Kind Allows You to be You

Being kind allows you to be the real and complete you—open, honest, transparent, and free. You have no need to be validated because you’re confident in who you are—you are kind. There is no need to play games, no need to impress people, no need to try to be someone you’re not and no need…


Overcoming Our Fear of Talking to Strangers

Paul Nicolaus posted a fascinating article titled, “Want to Feel Happier Today? Try Talking to a Stranger,” on According to the article, talking to strangers puts us in a better mood, makes us feel more connected to our community and improves our level of happiness. Despite these benefits, Mr. Nicolaus points out that many of…


Nothing Else in Life Guarantees What Kindness Does

Kindness often gets dismissed as a trifling activity and yet nothing has the power to impact our life more and the results for being kind are guaranteed! Numerous studies show how kind people are healthier, live longer, feel better about themselves, are more popular, more productive, enjoy greater success in business, have better relationships and are happier than those who aren’t kind.


No Road is Long with Good Company

The above is an old Turkish proverb that I came across on Facebook recently. Picture yourself taking a car trip by yourself across the entire country. Such a trip would be long, tedious, and boring as you watch the mileposts slowly pass by.

Kids Having Fun

Nice People Really Do Have More Fun

This is the title of a Wall Street Journal opinion piece written by Arthur C. Brooks. He says that while it may appear that the world today belongs to jerks, “…the best available research still clearly shows that in everyday life the nice people, not the creeps, do the best at work, in love and in happiness.”