In This Issue
-My Weekly Reminder
–Instant Turnaround!
-I Want Your Success Stories
-Pass it on
My Weekly Reminder
I would like to share an excerpt from an email I received from a recent seminar participant about a highly successful manager:
“I have been reading the manuscript of your new book Instant Turnaround! The concept is so simple, yet it’s amazing how most people do not understand it or have time for it–not even in their own families! It reminds me of a super effective manager I once had. Daily he would visit as many people in our department as he could with a never empty cup of coffee. He would sit with the person he was visiting for up to 15 or 20 minutes exchanging information about himself and listening to obtain information from the worker. This created a very happy workforce and everyone went more than the extra mile necessary to accomplish their work. Needless to say, this manager was sorely missed when he was promoted.”
Instant Turnaround!
I want to thank all of you for the wonderful suggestions you sent in on how to improve my new book. I incorporated everyone of them and the book is markedly improved as a result. If you would like to download the final version of the manuscript that was sent to the publishers, please click on the image of the cover below. Also, if you would like to submit a testimonial endorsing the book for consideration to be placed on the dust jacket when it’s published, please email it to me. Thanks again.
I Want Your Success Stories
If you have a success story using some of the ideas that I’ve presented in my Weekly Reminder, my books or my seminars, please send them to me. I would love to read them and possibly print some of them in a future issue of my Reminder. Click here for my email address.
Pass it on
If you know anyone who would like to read my Weekly Reminder, I would very much appreciate it if you would pass it on to them or sign them up. Thank you!