Surprise! Surprise! The Better Your Treat Employees, The Harder They’ll Work

In This Issue

-My Weekly Reminder
-Feedback From Subscribers
-Pass it on

My Weekly Reminder

Research studies have shown over and over that when employees feel they’re being treated well, all sorts of business success indicators improve.  For example, when employees feel they’re being treated well, they’re more productive, provide better customer service, are more willing to sieze the initiative, get along better with fellow employees and have far lower rates of absenteeism, turnover and theft.  As a result, companies who make a conscious effort to look after the well-being of their employees consistently experience profitability levels that are far above the average.  The lesson here is simple: Take care of your employees and they’ll take care of you.


If you want more information about the book, just click on the image of the cover below.


Ross Reck's Revved!


Feedback From Subscribers

This past week, I received the following emails from subscribers regarding last weeks Reminder about showing your character:


This list is great.  Three of the bullets definitely stuck out in my mind.  Letting someone go ahead of you at the grocery store, calling for the manager (it is fun to see the relief of the waitress or server once they learn that they received a compliment vs. complaint!!), and when we take things back to their original location in the retail stores rather than placing things where they do not belong only serves to help those who work hard to stock the aisles for our benefit.  Also, it is great when we see our kids doing this as well.  Thank you for reminding me to do these things and to set an example for my children.  I truly appreciate receiving your reminders each week.”

“Hey Ross, you nailed it once again with your newsletter. I kept saying to myself, I’ve done that. I’ve done that.” But then I asked myself, “When?” and then “How many times?” And I decided it was time for me to follow your expert advice.  I really enjoy your newsletter and look forward to it each week.”

Pass it on

If you know anyone who would like to read my Weekly Reminder, I would very much appreciate it if you would pass it on to them or sign them up.  Thank you!

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