Being Thankful Will Make You Happier And Healthier

In This Issue

-My Weekly Reminder
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My Weekly Reminder

A recent issue of USA TODAY reviewed a book  titled Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You written by former Today show host Deborah Norville.  Ms. Norville said that she always suspected that focusing on the positive made her life better, but she was curious if there were any scientific studies to back it up.  She found there were reputable studies on giving thanks conducted by researchers at places like University of California—Davis, Cornell and the University of Michigan.  These studies showed that people who felt grateful for the good things that happened to them bounce back more quickly from trauma, are able to undo the negative effects of stress and have lower blood pressure. So, take a few minutes several times a day and note the positive things that have happened to you, no matter how small they might seem, and think about how thankful you are that they happened.  You’ll find that doing this will make your life better in more ways than one.


If you want more information about the book, just click on the image of the cover below.


Ross Reck's Revved!


Feedback From a Subscriber

Recently, I received the following email from a subscriber about the happiness paradox–the harder you persue it, the more it eludes you.


    ‘Specially enjoyed this week’s REMINDER ….How true!

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