No One Likes To Be Micromanaged

In This Issue

-My Weekly Reminder
-Feedback From a Subscriber
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My Weekly Reminder

No one likes to be micromanaged—even the people doing the micromanaging.  As children, we hated it when our parents looked over out shoulders and as adults we resent it when our bosses do it.  Bosses who micromanage, do so in an attempt to control the performance of their employees.  The theory is: the more tightly you control them, the harder they’ll work. In reality, the opposite is true because micromanaging tells your employees that you don’t trust them. Without a climate of mutual trust, no employee is going to give you their best efforts—they’ll only give you what they have to in order to keep their jobs.  So, if you want your employees to get excited about working hard on your behalf; back off and support them. Show them that you have faith in their abilities and let them know that you’re on their side.  Then, get out or their way and allow them to make you look good as a boss.


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Ross Reck's Revved!


Feedback From a Subscriber

Recently, I received the following email from a subscriber about REVVED!

“I just finished reading your book Revved!  It was wonderful – not only is it helpful for my staff, but they can apply the exact same principles to our customers.”

Pass it on

If you know anyone who would like to read my Weekly Reminder, I would very much appreciate it if you would pass it on to them or sign them up.  Thank you!

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