Growing Your Base Of Influence

In This Issue

-My Weekly Reminder
-Feedback From a Subscriber
-Pass it on

My Weekly Reminder

Some people attempt to gain influence by calling attention to themselves–things they’ve accomplished, places they’ve been, things they own, people they know and so forth.  While such behavior comes naturally to us, it does little to improve your standing with those around you because most people tend to resent such behavior.  What does improve your standing is calling attention to the deeds and accomplishments of others.  This works extremely well for two reasons:  First, when you call attention to the accomplishments of someone else, you make that person feel really good which naturally endears them to you.  Second, you come across to those who observe your behavior as a caring and unselfish human being–the kind of person they want to get to know better.  So, the next time you’re tempted to call attention to some of your personal deeds and accomplishments, realize that you won’t be doing yourself any favors by doing so.  Instead, direct that attention to the the accomplishments of those around you and watch your level of influence take off.


If you want more information about the book, just click on the image of the cover below.


Ross Reck's Revved!


Feedback From a Subscriber

Several weeks ago, I received the following email from a subscriber:

“Dear Ross,

     I look forward to getting your Reminders every week.  They inspire me to make little changes in my interactions with people everywhere–at work, at home, at the supermarket, at my chruch and so forth.  Thanks for your many positive suggestions.”

Pass it on

If you know anyone who would like to read my Weekly Reminder, I would very much appreciate it if you would pass it on to them or sign them up.  Thank you!

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