Lady Gaga recently said that, “Kindness is showing love to someone else. I believe that kindness is the cure to violence and hatred around the world.” This being the case, kindness is not something that should be horded or conserved. Rather, kindness is something that should be spread with wild abandon like it’s confetti! Kind acts, things like smiling at someone you meet, holding the door for someone, letting someone cut in front of you in traffic, paying someone a compliment or providing an encouraging word to someone who is down, cost nothing and they make everyone involved feel happy. There are no negative side effects for being kind; they’re all positive.
As Emily Frisella put it on Twitter: “KINDNESS: It’s gluten free, dairy free, non-GMO, organic, soy & nut free, vegan, iifym, clean, keto, peleo & vegetarian. Try it. You’ll love the results.” And, it makes the world a much better place.
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